Greets! I am pleased to report that all recording has been completed for "Hunky Panky"! Eleven, count 'em, (11) new, bracing Rock & Roll tunes - here's the final running order:

 1) Hazy Cosmic Jive
 2) Dr. Now
 3) Bad Beth & Beyond
 4) Low T
 5) My Morning Jerk-Off
 6) John Cale
 7) Angels We Have Heard While High
 8) Return of The Spiders From Mars
 9) The Flower Queen
10) Between Today & Tomorrow
11) Hunky Panky

Me and the boys have also recorded a cool cover tune, that shall see the light of day in some way, shape or form, if I have anything to do with it (and if I can nail down the publishing rights)! Notice a theme of sorts in the song titles? Stay tuned here for more updates, if you are so inclined! Oh, did I mention that "Hunky Panky" will be limited to (100) vinyl LP's? Now it's off to mastering under the capable ears of the one and only Tony Maimone @ Studio G in Brooklyn! Yay!